Third times the charm.
I really hope that is true. After two very long hiatuses from blogging, I am back. My thousands of unblogged photos + stories have finally piled up a little too much. And, if I have to respond to my sister "I promise I will start blogging again tomorrow" one more time, I think I may lose trust in myself forever!
Just keep your fingers crossed that this time is better than the past.
Spring is finally here in the city! It's about time. With the arrival of spring comes the arrival of...
Our new Vespa!
Summer evening rides with a warm breeze running through our hair, the sweet aroma of floral gardens and delicious smells from the local restaurants filling the air, and basking in the atmosphere of the bright lights and beautiful (& sometimes crazy) sights on these city streets we now call home. Sights that have long been hidden from view on our subway commutes.
To say we are thrilled would be putting it mildly.
This guy will now happily do any errand I desire...he can't get enough of these new wheels!
Our inaugural ride gave us glimpses of sights of the lovely these giant, larger-than-life artsy flower displays all along Park Avenue. And the hundreds of tulips blooming around the city...I honestly cannot get enough of these!
See the bug? Makes me feel like I am in Wonderland or something.
Springtime in the city might just be the best season of the year! And after spring, comes outdoor summer concerts + beach trips + picnics in the park...I can hardly wait!